Are all Wicked People Going to Hell?

This evil teaching of the Church derogates God into an alien monster, and causes believers by the hundreds of millions to live in fear and mental turmoil and emotional anguish over presumed lost loved ones who are thought to be suffering day and night in this fabled hellhole of eternal torture.
But since this doctrine is bogus; a damnable heresy; an invention of depraved minds; a theological lie; a Christian hoax; it thus becomes, THE ULTIMATE BLASPHEMY by those who revel in and teach this spiritual nonsense.
Hell has NOTHING to do with fire. "Hell fire" mentioned in the KJV is from the Greek word "Gehenna." It is a valley south of Jerusalem. It used to be the city garbage dump. As such it was on fire.

The word "hell" in the KJV is translated from the Greek word "Hades" which means the UNSEEN or etymologically, UN=PERCEIVE or IMPERCEPTIBLE.
There can NOT be feelings, torture, pain, etc., in a place that by its very name means to have NO PERCEPTION OF ANYTHING! People must first be resurrected from Hades before they will have perception again.
The Greeks did not invent the idea of a hell of pain, misery, and punishment at death the Egyptians did.
The Greek hell of hades was plagiarized from the Egyptian hell of amenti. And so when you read the English word "hell" in a King James Bible where it was translated from the Greek word for hell, hades, you are really reading about the Egyptian hell of amenti seeing that the Greeks plagiarized their hell from Egypt.
Both hells are the same in many ways, plus we have the admission of historians that the Greeks borrowed (plagiarized) the Egyptian hell of amenti and fashioned it to suit their religion and government."
"The Amenti of the Egyptians originated the classic fables of Hades and Tartarus [the 'hell' of the Greeks]." (From: Doctrine of Eternal Punishment, Chapt. 3, P. 7).
Israel knew of the teachings, doctrines, and practices of the pagan Egyptians after living there for four centuries, otherwise, there would have been no reason at all for God to instruct them to not be doing those things which they saw and heard in Egypt. (Where do you suppose they came up with the idea of making a golden calf to worship at Mt. Sinai?) [2] They learned the teachings regarding hell from the pagans (Canaanites) when they possessed the land.
They not only learned pagan religion, but actually practiced the rituals of the pagans in such places as Tophet in the Valley of Hinnom. [3]
They learned these pagan doctrines pertaining to an eternal hell from their Assyrian and the Babylonian captors during their long years of captivity.
By examining scripture more closely and using scripture against scripture we can prove that Hell is not a real place and we can show you further contradicitons in the Bible which you should now be aware of after studying chapter 1.
Here is one example:
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." Revelations 20:14 King James Bible.
Ask yourself if the lake of fire is often referred to as hell, how can hell be thrown into hell?

Question: Is God a monster and a torturer or is He a God of Love?