Millions of Pentecostals and Charismatics as well as Protestant and Catholic tongues speakers claim to possess a gift from God which enables them to "speak in unknown tongues."
So what is the Scriptural truth regarding this popular Christian doctrine.
Of the + - 20 times "tongues" is used with reference to a gift from God, there are only three examples of anyone actually speaking in another language:
Acts 2v 4
Now let's read verse 4 and 6 together and lets focus on what the people heard (v6)

Notice verse 6 here. each one heard their own language being spoken.
Now lets see what languages were spoken:
Acts 2 v8 -9

So notice the languages that were spoken, was the common inter-nations language in Jerusalem not the incoherent babbling we hear today in the churches
Its so sad that millions of Christians around the world cannot think for themselves and are merely sheep.
The words "tongue & tongues":
The word translated both "tongue" and "tongues" is the Greek word (glōssais and aside from meaning the organ of the body used in speaking, it means "a language.)"
We know that the languages of the Medes, Cretes, Asians, Elamites, Parthians, Egyptians, Arabians, etc., spoken on Pentecost was not just babble but proper cultural languages.
Now what about the claim from those who speak in tongues that its absolutely necessary today to speak in tongues as proof a Christian has the gift of Gods Holy Spirit.
In I Cor. 12:28-30, we are told something amazing-something that totally contradicts the tongues-speakers claim that the gift of speaking in languages is absolutely necessary as a proof that one actually has God's Holy Spirit:
V 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.
Notice the different gifts the Holy Spirit bestowed on the faithful men and women of God.
Paul did not focus on one gift i.e. the gift of languages as a sign people were blessed by God.

Question: When people spoke in tongues were they speaking absolute nonsense or were they speaking an actual language?